[Coco] Zap 0.0.4 Beta has been uploaded to my drop box

K. Pruitt pruittk at roadrunner.com
Wed Apr 1 04:37:20 EDT 2015

----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Gene Heskett"
To: <coco at maltedmedia.com>
Sent: Tuesday, March 31, 2015 9:11 PM
Subject: Re: [Coco] Zap 0.0.4 Beta has been uploaded to my drop box

<huge snip>

>> > Our rs-232 pack also has another achilles heel, that little tin
>> > cased Aztec 5 volt to +-12 volt invertor supply.  Mine went away
>> > nearly 20 years back so my pack has been patched to get its +-12
>> > volt power from the MPI.

I took a peek at mine and it is in a plastic case.  Hopefully that means 
they improved it.

I powered down, pulled the RS232 pak out and opened it up and the Astec was 
cool to the touch.  Hopefully that means they replaced the metal one with a 
cooler running plastic one.  I have no idea how hot this thing might have 
become back during my modeming days.  Downloading and uploading constantly 
for hours at 3, 12 and later 2400 baud may have had this thing very hot.

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