[Coco] Something of interest to the design people here
Gene Heskett
gheskett at wdtv.com
Sat Oct 25 06:00:34 EDT 2014
I just got an email from TI advising me they will no longer ship samples
to anyone requesting a sample if they are not registered at TI with a .biz
domain name.
TV engineering is a funny business, and I have in my time designed and
built several very unique things to do a labor saving job at a tv station.
Unfortunately, the market for such an individual device is also limited to
other tv stations facing similar technical problems, which is a roundabout
way of saying that to sell even 100 such devices is a resounding success.
Thats not enough potential profit to put a 1 inch adv in the trade
magazines, and you darned sure can't put an effective sales pitch in that
1 inch adv.
Methinks ti.com, in setting such a samples policy, since they themselves
are a .com domain, is both ironic, and the aim of that change will result
in some holey feet, aka shot themselves in the foot since they have
automatically disqualified 99.9% of the designers that are even web
Methinks the marketdroid that came up with that idea should be encouraged
to find a non-technical line of gainful employment.
Cheers, Gene Heskett
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