[Coco] Snake for OS-9

Robert Gault robert.gault at att.net
Mon Oct 13 18:24:42 EDT 2014

tlindner at macmess.org (tim lindner) wrote:
> My first assembly language program for OS-9.
> https://gist.github.com/tlindner/f269f2c5649b503e9f41
> It displays one snake crawling around the screen. It keeps within the
> bounds of the window, but will crawl all over itself.
> Also, when I hide the cursor in one window, the cursor hide in all
> windows. Is that a bug? Or is it intended?


The code $05 $20 (at least when used with Display 5 20) just changes the window 
from which the code was sent. Your code sends the sequence to path #1 stdout 
which may or may not be the way to do what you want. You may need to open a path 
to a specific window and then send the code sequence to that path.

I can't remember just how this should be done for a specific window instead of 
system wide, and will have to look at some source code to jog my memory.


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