[Coco] rgb2vga alive!

Steven Hirsch snhirsch at gmail.com
Sun Nov 23 09:09:11 EST 2014

On Sat, 22 Nov 2014, Zippster wrote:

> Steve, have you seen Koichi Nishida’s VGA card for the Apple IIe?
> <http://tulip-house.ddo.jp/DIGITAL/A2EVGA/english.html

Yes, but it makes me choose between a decent display and being able to use 
a Ramworks-style expansion memory card.  I've tried to nudge Koichi into 
reengineering the adapter as a piggyback for the Ramworks, but I get the 
impression that Ramworks are not prevelant in Japan and this is not a high 

Also, It doesn't solve the problem for a plain old ][ or ][+, nor for the 



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