[Coco] Colorcomputerarchive harmful behavior

Nick Marentes nickma2 at optusnet.com.au
Mon May 26 20:40:42 EDT 2014

On 27/05/2014 10:36 AM, Guillaume Major wrote:
> Hi Aaron,
> I understand your frustration about this issue. You work very hard to 
> develop wonderful software for the coco and you put a lot of efforts 
> to write good documentation. DriveWire and NitrOS-9 are in constant 
> evolution and can cause some users to use old or obsolete versions.
> I think the best solution to this problem, as others have suggested, 
> is to add a section in the archive to list the active projects and 
> provide links to their respective web sites. The developper's web site 
> will get more visibility and the end user will always have access to 
> the latest version.
> In the meantime, I will remove DriveWire, Nitros-9 and LWTools from 
> the repository until it can be re-added to the new section.
> Guillaume

Excellent Guillaume!

To satisfy those that oppose this, you could have a page set up and 
clearly marked as "old versions repository" and supply a link to the 
current developers site.

This gives those that want access to old versions all within the one 
repository AND newcomers will be made aware that they are out-of-date 
versions and be redirected to the developers site.


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