[Coco] Youtube of my new toy OS for the COCO

Brett Gordon beretta42 at gmail.com
Wed May 7 01:26:09 EDT 2014

I've only written drivers for Drivewire and a simple text VDG driver.  You
can spot the VDG driver's channel in the second video.  I suppose I can
scrounge up one of my keyboard drivers from earlier adventures and
incorporate it pretty easy.  I'll probably work on a real filesystem first!

On Tue, May 6, 2014 at 10:37 PM, Louis Ciotti <lciotti at me.com> wrote:

> Does your OS only work through the drivewire ports via telnet? Or can you
>  pilot it right from the CoCo.

Brett M. Gordon,
beretta42 at gmail.com

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