[Coco] disk controller chip

Mark Marlette mmarlette at frontiernet.net
Tue May 6 11:58:06 EDT 2014


That I do not know, 1773 compat. version

The HD mod to the controller was like making a new one...... Worked GREAT though.

I also added a mod to read the density hole and automatic adjust the data transfer rate.



 From: Gene Heskett <gheskett at wdtv.com>
To: coco at maltedmedia.com 
Sent: Tuesday, May 6, 2014 10:41 AM
Subject: Re: [Coco] disk controller chip

On Tuesday 06 May 2014 11:38:39 Mark Marlette did opine:

> Gene,
> I did the HD mod to the 1793 controller and it required the 8877.
> So yes, it did do 500K for the HD mode.
> Regards,
> Mark
> http://www.cloud9tech.com

Thats good news Mark. Now I wonder if Fujitsu ever made a 1773 compatible 
chip?  If so, it might be an interesting swap for the majority of our 

Cheers, Gene
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