[Coco] Program to detect a 6309 in a CoCo

William Astle lost at l-w.ca
Tue Mar 25 22:28:55 EDT 2014

On 14-03-25 07:34 PM, Juan Castro wrote:
> In the meantime, I did the following:
>          ORG $3000
> TESTBYTE    FCB    0
> START        CLRB
>          INCD
>          STB    TESTBYTE
>          RTS
>          END    START
> In a 6809, the contents of &H3000 are zero, as they should. I'm hoping the
> opcodes $10 $4C (INCD) don't do bad things in a 6809. Do they?

I believe $10 $4C executes as INCA on a 6809. That will not invalidate 
the test in the code so it should be fine.

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