[Coco] NitrOS-9 Wiki

Greg Law glaw at live.com
Fri Jun 27 22:22:40 EDT 2014

Tormod Volden wrote:

> The @**##'s at SourceForge turned off the MediaWiki that all these
> projects were using. The old wiki pages have been imported into
> https://sourceforge.net/p/nitros9/wikim/Main_Page/ now as we speak but
> lots of formatting is broken, especially tables.
> Same goes for the DriveWire wiki now at
> https://sourceforge.net/p/drivewireserver/wiki/Main_Page/

No, the formatting isn't broken... Sourceforge removed all markup except for 
headings, links, and bold during the import, converted all inline images 
into attachments, and some of the pages throw up "We're sorry but we weren't 
able to process this request." Sourceforge is now using markdown instead of 
mediawiki, so I seriously doubt they even attempted to convert anything 
other than very rudimentary markup in the conversion.

I think it's time to move on from Sourceforge. I don't see anything other 
than downhill from here.

I just wish I had a backup of all the pages on the old mediawiki. I think I 
have the ones I created in mediawiki on my Synology DiskStation DS1812, but 
they probably aren't the latest versions.

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