[Coco] RF TV Coaxial F Plug Female Adapter for CoCo2

Steve 6809er at srbsoftware.com
Sat Jan 18 22:35:54 EST 2014

Agreed, you should a Male phone plug to female coax adapter so can use a 
coax cable to make the run from the CoCo to the T.V.

Going with the other adapter will add a bit of interference since the 
cable running between the two is not design for RF.

Just make sure adapter plugs in good and tight to the CoCo so it stays 
plugged in.

On 1/18/2014 6:10 PM, billg999 at cs.uofs.edu wrote:
>> I just picked up a Extended Basic 16k CoCo2, which I will be upgrading to
>> 64k because there is no such thing as too much RAM.
>> What I want to do is to eliminate the RF box and was looking at this as a
>> replacement
>> http://www.amazon.com/Atari-2600-Coaxial-Plug-Female-Adapter/dp/B0028MXOF6
>> ANybody had experience with this or a similar adapter and how well do they
>> work with a CoCo2. My plans are to use the CoCo2 for the X-10 Plug & Power
>> system.
> I think this is what you are looking for.
> http://www.amazon.com/RiteAV-Male-F-type-Female-Adapter/dp/B000V1JUKY/ref=sr_1_29?s=electronics&ie=UTF8&qid=1390097292&sr=1-29&keywords=rca+to+f+connector
> bill
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