[Coco] Modifying Level1/coco1 for 6309 native mode

Robert Gault robert.gault at att.net
Wed Jan 8 21:56:52 EST 2014

Luis Antoniosi (CoCoDemus) wrote:
> It's crashing in the F$Load inside the F$Fork for me now.

Right. Carrying this further, F$Load is not the problem (and the load was for 
Shell.) The ioman code continues (see FLoad) with an attempt to I$Open the 
module. Once opened, ioman then tries to read M$IDSize bytes; which is where the 
crash occurs.

L05D2    lda   6,s                     get path
          leax  7,s                     point to place on stack
          ldy   #M$IDSize               read M$IDSize bytes
          os9   I$Read
          bcs   L061E

At the moment, I can't find the actual problem which probably involves the stack.


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