[Coco] The Tri-Annual CoCo 4 Thread

Al Hartman alhartman6 at optonline.net
Thu Feb 13 07:14:03 EST 2014

I agree with Louis.

There may be a small market for a Coco clone among previous Coco owners, and 
Dragon owners. But we're talking in hundreds of units.

It's why I keep pointing to the Replica I ( 
http://www.brielcomputers.com/wordpress/ ) or the Altair 8800 Micro as 

Grant Searle made a 6-Chip 6809 computer that uses a modified Coco BASIC. 

Imagine if someone expanded that design to add the VDG and turn it into a 
Coco compatible. Or, used the N8VEM 6809 board with a custom board that made 
it Coco compatible?

There is so much out there. If I had the money, I'd fund a TRS-80 Model 
I/III/4 clone and a Coco 3 Clone like the Replica I.

-[ Al ]-

-----Original Message----- 
From: Louis Ciotti


The main problem with this is that no computer user of today actually WANTs 
a computer that that have to sit down and program in basic, C, assembly, 
have( or take you pick of programming language) for hours just to make it do 
anything.  You have to understand the coco and similar computers were 
popular then because computers we NEW technology, and now that computers 
have basically became another appliance to 95+% of the 1st world population 
anything that was like a CoCo that booted to an OK prompt and require you to 
actually program it to do anything will not sell to a large enough 
population to make it worth any corporation to actually build them.  It is 
like suggesting someone start a company to build pay phones, or CRT 
televisions because they are “easy” to use.

When people have come to expect a phone to be able to browse the internet, 
do e-mail, instant message, text, a calendar, and oh yea be a phone there is 
no way a modern incarnation of a computer that is “like” the original CoCo 
will fly.

I am moving on now.

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