[Coco] NitrOS-9, Cobbler and Fragmented Boot Files

Bill Nobel b_nobel at hotmail.com
Tue Dec 9 20:32:55 EST 2014

Yes, Nitros9 has support for fragmented Boot, but no decent editor.  Cobbler is still in a Level 1 state and hasn’t changed since release.  I use Kwikgen myself for the boot file, I only use cobbler for the boot track.

Bill Nobel

> On Dec 9, 2014, at 6:52 PM, Darren A <mechacoco at gmail.com> wrote:
> Wasn't NitrOS-9 modified to work with a fragmented boot file?
> I'm currently working on a new driver for the CoCo SDC. After building a
> new DSK image I usually opt to change the screen width to 40 columns by
> entering:
> xmode /term col=28 sty=1
> cobbler /dd
> On recent builds (as the driver code has grown in size) Cobbler now fails,
> reporting that the boot file is fragmented. This renders the disk
> un-bootable and I have to move a fresh copy of the DSK image onto the SD
> card. I can avoid the problem by using dmode to set sas=80 before running
> cobbler, but can't reduce sas later without getting a fragmented file again.
> If NitrOS-9 has solved the fragmented boot limitation, shouldn't Cobbler be
> changed so that it doesn't abort in that situation? Is there something else
> I should be using instead of Cobbler?
> Darren
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