[Coco] Telnetting from a window

Gene Heskett gheskett at wdtv.com
Fri Dec 5 13:58:51 EST 2014

On Friday 05 December 2014 06:47:21 Bill did opine
And Gene did reply:
> Was wanting to do it AS the computer was booting. You know how lazy I
> am...

Put it into your startup script.  But be aware that is difficult here, 
because the startup script has a leftover lock that make it read only 
here, so I have to copy it to a temp file, edit the temp file and then use 
a copy -r to overwrite the original, that for some strange reason does 
work. But I cannot save it using tsedit on it directly, a :w gets a disk 
error. One of the reasons I have been tempted to write an lslock program 
for os9.  But I never found my round tuit.

And while I do have the machinery to make them, I can't find a suitable 
artwork source that isn't copyrighted till hell has a snowball fight.

Cheers, Gene Heskett
"There are four boxes to be used in defense of liberty:
 soap, ballot, jury, and ammo. Please use in that order."
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US V Castleman, SCOTUS, Mar 2014 is grounds for Impeaching SCOTUS

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