[Coco] 2764 EPROM vs 2864 EEPROM

Steven Hirsch snhirsch at gmail.com
Sun Sep 29 11:58:01 EDT 2013

On Sun, 29 Sep 2013, Gene Heskett wrote:

> On Sunday 29 September 2013 10:34:33 Steven Hirsch did opine:
>> On Sun, 29 Sep 2013, Gene Heskett wrote:
>>> Now that worked, but the file links are all #403.  I will order the
>>> big Willem kit if and when a good CC arrives
>> If you are thinking of buying from Sivava, be aware that you will have
>> none, nada, zero, zilch tech support.  He is happy to take your money,
>> but does not respond to e-mail after the unit is in your hands.
> Thanks for the heads up Steve.  I take it that the SW I just downloaded for
> linux will likely not work with it either.
> I take it then that this is an example of some jerk buying out a good
> product, and then modding it just enough to make a captive customer, and
> then not supporting that customer.
> One of the worlds surplus rectums IOW.

He did not make himself a lot of friends in the Willem community.  There 
are other folks offering "real" Willem programmers without proprietary 
mods.  I think you'd be better served with one of them.  eBay should turn 
some up.

>> Also, if mine is any example, it has been subtely modified from the
>> public Willem standard and is dependent on Sivava's modified software
>> (for which no source is available).
>> Finally, the charge-pump scheme used to develop the 21V rail for
>> programming older NMOS parts is generally not able to source enough
>> current for reliable programming.  There's plenty of discussion on this
>> on the Willem forums (not sure they are still online).  I ended up
>> buying a retro-fit kit from one of the folks there since I blow a fair
>> number 2708, 2716, 2732 etc.
>> As always, Caveat Emptor!
>> Steve
> Cheers, Gene
> -- 
> "There are four boxes to be used in defense of liberty:
> soap, ballot, jury, and ammo. Please use in that order."
> -Ed Howdershelt (Author)
> news: gotcha
> A pen in the hand of this president is far more
> dangerous than 200 million guns in the hands of
>         law-abiding citizens.
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