[Coco] newb: Can I use DriveWire with my CoCo 2?

Chris Osborn fozztexx at fozztexx.com
Sun Sep 22 10:02:13 EDT 2013

I really think the first step in letting newbs like me use DriveWire is going to be updating the wiki to include *all* of the information that is required. It should include links to all the pieces, with explanations of how each of those pieces fit together. Even if those pieces aren't pre-built but it at least explains how to build them, that's better than it is now. If there was just a list that said "download this and this and this and this and this..." that would be great!

I do think that to really allow people to get started though there needs to be pre-built binaries. As a newb who just wants to try this out and is unfortunately rather busy, I'm much less likely to want to take the plunge if I have to build everything from scratch. And if I have to setup a development environment on Windoze, forget it.

Building the cable is nothing. There's 3 wires, rx/tx/gnd, and searching the internet for the pinout brought up several sites that showed how to wire it. The only tricky part was finding the funny little DIN connector, but I got those on eBay for pretty cheap. I now have way more than I need but I'm a pack-rat so I don't mind that much.

I really appreciate everyone's help here with trying to get DriveWire explained to me. I still haven't managed to load any software over DriveWire yet, and I will probably have more questions today as I find time to tinker with it.

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