[Coco] newb: Can I use DriveWire with my CoCo 2?

Chris Osborn fozztexx at fozztexx.com
Sat Sep 21 18:57:23 EDT 2013

I found some time this weekend to mess around with the CoCo that I recently got working and thought I'd see what DriveWire is and what it can do. I downloaded DriveWire 4 and I'm running it on a laptop that I put next to the CoCo. I have the serial port and cassette port plugged into the laptop. I did a couple of test saves and loads with the cassette to Sound Recorder on Windoze so I know that's working.

Going through the wiki that is linked from the DriveWire site it talks a lot about features and how to configure exotic things and a bunch of other stuff. But nothing anywhere tells me how I bootstrap my CoCo so that I can use DriveWire. Do I need to type in a BASIC bootstrap program? Load something from the cassette sent by the DriveWire app? Does anyone have a simple tutorial that I can follow?

Here's a pic of my setup:

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