[Coco] BASIC09 - How good is it?

Luis Antoniosi (CoCoDemus) retrocanada76 at gmail.com
Tue May 14 10:17:47 EDT 2013

> for the 6809.  MinTED has promise as a vim replacement but needs a help
> card that can be printed out since the command keys are different.

You don't need a card. You just need to remember to press CTRL+O for Online
Help ;)

But stop complaining, i made very few functions that will fit in any "old
memory cells" ;)

they are:

SHIFT+LEFT - backspace (delete to left)
SHIFT+RIGHT  - delete (delete to right)
SHIFT+UP - page up
SHIFT+DOWN - page down
CTRL+K kill line
CTRL+D duplicate line
CTRL+S save file
CTRL+R rename file
CTRL+E exit
CTRL+O online help

I don't like bloatware programs since nobody use more than few functions.
There is no print functions too. Who still print on coco ?

Long live the CoCo

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