[Coco] MinTED: a minimalist update for the minimalist editor

Mark McDougall msmcdoug at iinet.net.au
Sun May 12 22:49:39 EDT 2013

On 13/05/2013 11:45 AM, Luis Antoniosi (CoCoDemus) wrote:

> drag&drop text with the mouse <- the worst feature ever for a text editor.

I was at a client site a few years back to oversee installation of some
software we had provided. The IT guy installing the software (on Linux)
did everything - and I mean *everything* - with his ^^%$%#$ mouse! I don't
think he ever took his right hand off the damn thing! :O

It was incredibly painful to stand there and see him stumble around
clicking here and there cutting and pasting 4-letter commands with his
mouse!!! It took all my self control not to rip his mouse out of the
machine, throw it out the window, and show him how to actually type 'ls'
and use <TAB> to auto-complete filenames!

Seriously, this guy should be running Android or Win8 on a tablet, not
working as sysadmin on Linux boxes.


|              Mark McDougall                | "Electrical Engineers do it
|  <http://members.iinet.net.au/~msmcdoug>   |   with less resistance!"

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