[Coco] Origins of thNitrOS-9 name

Gene Heskett gheskett at wdtv.com
Thu May 9 20:39:44 EDT 2013

On Thursday 09 May 2013 20:25:45 Thierry Mella did opine:

> I was wondering where does the "NitrOS-9" name come from ?
> (especially the "Nitr" part)
Well, when we made os9 take advantage of the extra registers and such, 
about 20 years back, that meant we had to disassemble it.  In the process 
we found a bug or three, and in one case it was making a time wasting call 
way too frequently than it was needed.  The end result was a noticeable 
speedup when built to run on the 6309.  We started calling it nitros9 then 
to distinguish it from the stock Microware version called OS9, based on 
giving it a dose of Nitrous.  Then, it was made so the same src file could 
be built for either CPU by throwing assembly switches, which is the current 

I've heard several figures for the speedup, often in the 50% faster range 
but I'm not sure anyone has actually put a stop watch on it to quantify it.

There is more to it than that of course, with lots of folks doing just one 
or 3 modules, and if I tried to list then all, I'd probably leave out some 
very deserving people, so I won't list any.
> I have googled it and can't find its origin.
> Thanks in advance for your help,
> Thierry
> ps: sorry if I've made english mistakes ... :-)

Cheers, Gene
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