[Coco] Coco font

Ciaran Anscomb cocomalt at 6809.org.uk
Tue May 7 11:39:37 EDT 2013

"Bill Gordon" wrote:
> I'm beginning my 2nd phase of creating the Coco font. I have gotten the
> letters and punctuation so far (ascii characters 33-125), but since I don't
> have a Coco, the only thing I can use as a model is the Coco Wikipedia
> illustration of the type face, including the graphics characters.

My best attempt - I'm quite certain of the original VDG font; the T1
variant is certainly close, but I need a clearer display at home to
verify it...


font-6847.png - original VDG
 - 64 8x8 characters (plus 32 unused lowercase ones that you can ignore)
 - 3 lines top padding
 - 1 line bottom padding (actually 2, in reality the font is 7 lines high)

font-6847t1.png - T1 variant
 - 96 8x9 characters
 - 1 line top padding (pretty sure)
 - 2 lines bottom padding

I have a similar one for the GIME at home somewhere.  It's different to
both - the descenders are not as well realised as in the T1 font.

> I need a list of what characters follow (128-255) and the graphics characters
> they represent.

Semigraphics 4 (bit 7 set) encodes colour (bits 4-6) and pixel information
(bits 0-3), dividing an 8x12 character cell into a 2x2 grid, arranged
as follows:


Set bits are in the specified colour, clear bits are black.


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