[Coco] Drivewire

Bill Gunshannon billg999 at cs.uofs.edu
Thu Mar 28 14:07:27 EDT 2013

> Bill,
> Drivewire runs at 115200 baud. It's virtual disk acces is much faster than
> a floppy dirve and maybe just a little faster than a read HD.

But, does it always run that fast?  I know my RS232 PAKs don't go that
fast and and I seriously thought it ran on the Bit Banger (isn't that
what the cable I got from Cloud9 was for?)  You are not going to tell
me someone got the Bit Banger running at 115200.

> I think the problem with the 2 rs232 paks is that they both share the same
> address port. One would have to be configured (in hardware) to be at
> another port address.

True, thus my request to see if someone has an already tested mod to
move them.

>                       There is probably some problems there with
> interrupts as well.

I can't imagine that being a serious problem as the system did support
two RS232 PAKs in the first place.  The Deluxe and the Modem PAK.

> Also, there is a mod to make an RS232 pak into a double rs232 in one pak
> (I think). If I remember correctly, Gene Hsket has done this mod... Gene??
> Where are you... this is your realm.. :-P

I would love to look at that.


Bill Gunshannon          |  de-moc-ra-cy (di mok' ra see) n.  Three wolves
billg999 at cs.scranton.edu |  and a sheep voting on what's for dinner.
University of Scranton   |
Scranton, Pennsylvania   |         #include <std.disclaimer.h>

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