[Coco] Programming help

Bill cwgordon at carolina.rr.com
Tue Jun 25 09:13:38 EDT 2013

I’m trying to write an assembly language routine, and having what’s probably
a very simple problem. 


The listing is as follows:


10          NAM   B256 ß This is the culprit. Nothing I do will make it

70          ORG   $0EOO

80          ORCC #$50

90          LDX   #$8000

100         LDY   #$FFC0      *BANK 0

110   COPY  STB   $FFDE

120         LDB   O,Y

130         LDA   O,X

140         LDB   $08,Y *BANK 00/00

150         STB   $FFDF


Everything else is fine, but I cannot get the first command correct. No
matter what I do, it comes up with a ‘BAD OPCODE’ error.






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