[Coco] New tandy Website

Frank Swygert farna at att.net
Sat Jan 26 10:13:26 EST 2013

Date: Fri, 25 Jan 2013 20:53:24 -0800
From: "Jimmy Scott"<kd7vdb at oregonfast.net>

I am not discrediting these web sites or the CoCo Mailing list, but there
were 100's of tandy products made and I own a mix of them. Many websites
aren't updated regularly and/or a 10 year old geo-cities style mess. I am
proposing a full blown beautiful website devoted to Tandy products.

That's fine!  I suggested in my previous post (just a few minutes ago!) that you do a search, and it seems you already have. I should have known you'd do that first...

About the closest thing to a "cull coverage" Tandy site is the Tandy computer catalog site, and it only covers computers. What you seem to be talking about is ALL Tandy specific products? That will be a HUGE undertaking! You may want to do a Wiki instead of a regular web site. That will be easier to "grow" over time and to allow other people in to edit. Wikipedia is a good example but way bigger than what I think you need, and CoCopedia is smaller. Try looking at www.amcyclopedia.org. That might be a good pattern to emulate.

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