[Coco] Disk Controllers

Darren A mechacoco at gmail.com
Sun Dec 22 16:04:37 EST 2013

On Sun, Dec 22, 2013 at 10:06 AM, Rogelio Perea wrote:

> One of the prominent differences is that the 3022 controller requires 12vdc
> besides the usual 5vd power, only the CoCo 1 and the MultiPak interface
> provide such, so out of the box this controller can not be used on a CoCo 2
> or 3. Then there are the other technical subtleties. You can read more
> about this on:
> http://www.cocopedia.com/wiki/index.php/26-3022
> http://www.cocopedia.com/wiki/index.php/FD-502_%2826-3133%29
The last two paragraphs of the "Controller" section on the 26-3022 page of
the wiki are incorrect.

The 26-3022 controller is NOT the only one capable of being modified to
support High-Density.  Before Tandy switched to using the WD1773 chip, many
of the 26-3029 controllers had a Fujitsu MB8877A (5-volt only equivalent of
the WD1793).  Mike Pepe has a page showing how he upgraded a 3029



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