[Coco] A Great Old-Timey Game-Programming Hack - Tom Moertel’s Blog

Ciaran Anscomb cocomalt at 6809.org.uk
Tue Dec 17 16:28:27 EST 2013

Allen Huffman wrote:
> http://blog.moertel.com/posts/2013-12-14-great-old-timey-game-programming-hack.html
> A discussion of techniques used to speed up a 6809 graphical copy loop. He
> was working on a CoCo 3 on a friend's game, but didn't reveal what the game
> was. A very good read with plenty of example 6809 code on how he sped up the
> block copies quite a bit.

Looks fun!  Only skimmed it for now to see how far he got with the
"stack smashing" - pretty good.  Misses out that you can actually use
CC and copy 8 bytes at a time (just disable interrupts on the PIA (or
GIME, I guess) first, as you'll undoubtedly end up unmasking them).
But for only 28 byte copies it wouldn't save anything...


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