[Coco] Drive Wire strangeness

Aaron Wolfe aawolfe at gmail.com
Mon Dec 9 02:56:10 EST 2013

On Mon, Dec 9, 2013 at 2:17 AM, Arthur Flexser <flexser at fiu.edu> wrote:
> On Mon, Dec 9, 2013 at 1:08 AM, Gene Heskett <gheskett at wdtv.com> wrote:
>> The main advantage to writing assembly in os9 was that with virtually zero
>> effort, your code was truly position independent, it could run anyplace in
>> memory that os9 could load it into.  ALL branches and conditional jumps are
>> 100% relative to the current value of the program counter after it has
>> executed that command.  Housekeeping wise, that is a huge relief.
> Actually, the 6809 was designed to make the writing of
> position-independent code more or less effortless.  You don't need
> OS-9 for that.

True, but OS9 provides a great framework for actually taking advantage
of what position independent code was designed to do (dynamically
using multiple independent programs in memory).

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