[Coco] Need to Port NitrOS-9 6x09 L2 to N8VEM's New 6x0x Board

Kip Koon computerdoc at sc.rr.com
Mon Dec 2 04:49:58 EST 2013

Oops again.  I really apologize.  This should also have read...
Hi Joel!
I guess I was skimming a little too fast!  :)

-----Original Message-----

Hi Jim!
I'm glad you are interested in building one.  The following link contains
all the project's files.
If you have any further questions, give me a buzz, drop me a line.  Take
care my friend.

-----Original Message-----
From: coco-bounces at maltedmedia.com [mailto:coco-bounces at maltedmedia.com] On
Behalf Of Joel Ewy
Sent: Sunday, December 01, 2013 9:09 PM
To: CoCoList for Color Computer Enthusiasts
Subject: Re: [Coco] Need to Port NitrOS-9 6x09 L2 to N8VEM's New 6x0x Board

On 11/26/2013 11:01 PM, Kip Koon wrote:
> Hi Nick!
> N8VEM designs PCBs for many types of 8-bit microprocessor computers 
> from yesteryear using the Eurocard 3U & now 6U formats which has the 
> dimensions of 100mm x 160mm and 233mm x 160mm respectively using as 
> much technology from that era as possible.  [snip...] Altair and SWTPC 
> had  a 6800 version in their 8-bit computer lines for a number of 
> years before the 6809 came out.  Many people still like Flex and 
> UniFlex as opposed to OS-9 in addition to CP/M and DOS.  I cut my 
> teeth on DOS systems for many years myself.  I still remember what the 
> function keys do in DOS!  My OS of choice these days is NitrOS-9 6809
> L2 and that is why I'd like to see it ported to this new PCB hence my 
> excitement about the project.
> N8VEM has many retro type computer designs to pick from for the many 
> guys who enjoy revisiting their youth when computers were young and so 
> were their builders' knowledge.  I'm definitely one of them.  :)  I 
> use to drool over the Altair and SWTPC ads many times.  Take care my
> Kip
Hey Kip,

Do you know what kind of hardware they're hooking up to that thing? I
haven't found the schematics yet.  If they use a 6821, a 6850, or the same
floppy controller that's used in the SWTPC, then maybe some of the source
code from the SWTPCEmu disk images would come in handy in the porting
effort.  I would love to build one of these myself. I've actually been
subscribed to N8VEM for a few years, but haven't paid close attention
recently and didn't know about this 6809 project till you posted about it


> -----Original Message-----
> From: coco-bounces at maltedmedia.com
> [mailto:coco-bounces at maltedmedia.com] On Behalf Of Nick Marentes
> Sent: Tuesday, November 26, 2013 2:38 PM
> To: coco at maltedmedia.com
> Subject: Re: [Coco] Need to Port NitrOS-9 6x09 L2 to N8VEM's New 6x0x 
> Board
> Kip Koon <computerdoc at ...> writes:
>> I agree.  I'll encourage them to do just that.  I don't think that 
>> fact is as well known outside the Coco Community.  I read an email 
>> the other day that sounded like someone had just found out about the
>> 6309 in the N8VEM camp.  That is just one person though.  Someone 
>> else stated that he had been using 6309s for a while now in the 
>> original 6x0x 3-PCB Mezzanine
> stand-alone
>> setup, so knowledge of the 6309 is getting around.  Hopefully the
>> 6309 will catch on with the N8VEM 6x0x boards like it has with our 
>> beloved
> Coco.
> Just found out about the 6309?! Where have they been the last 20 years?!
> If that's the case, they may want to be intruduced to the CoCo3.
> And what's with the 6802? Why not just go for a dual 6309?
> Personally, an FPGA or a PIC32 is probably a better way to go for the 
> entire design.
> Nick
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