[Coco] SuperIDE backup/restore

Gustavo Ranaur Schoenaker ranaur at ranaur.net
Sun Aug 11 20:01:56 EDT 2013

Hi Guys,

Yes, I have news. Good and bad. The good news is that I could isolate what
is happening, getting much more information. The bad news is that, it's not
a simple bug, like something wrong I was making with the offset. As Dr.
House would say, it's not Lupus! It's never Lupus. :-)

But at least its a shine of light on this mystery. And CoCo hacking counts
twice of the fun. :-)

It's a long e-mail, so, take your time if you're interested in SuperIDE
mysteries. :-)

This is what I did ...

1) I formatted a the card, wrote a .DSK file on it using sidewalk (my test
data was a disk with mark Data production adventures).
2) I used the program do dump each sector of the disk to the bitbanger port
and captured the serial output to a file.
3) I compared the result with the original DSK file.

I did this with two cards: a "good" one and a "bad" one.
The comparison of the result from the good card was exactly the save (using
DIFF), while the result from the bad card showed some differences.
Analyzing the differences (see below the e-mail) I noticed that the bad
card skips some 2-bytes words sometimes. I noticed that the missing bytes
are specially when it has a lot of 1's (FF FF, FF FC, 3F FF etc.), but I
couldn't find a reliable pattern.

Well, my educated guess is a bug in HDB-DOS superide driver. Well, it is
just an educated guess because:

1) The problem is not in the card itself. I formatted it on DOS, Windows,
and MacOS, copied hundreds on 1MB random files and the checksum was ok. So
the card *is* saving the data correctly.
2) The problem is not a hardware fault on my SuperIDE. It works really well
with the good card.
3) As an additional thought, it doesn't makes I/O error when I LOADM the
programs on the bad disk. The program loads and EXECs. It gets on the first
screen more or less with some garbage, but it has some resemblance with the
original game. (the screen gets corrupted in some parts).
4) The error is not random. Every time I read it, I get the same (wrong)
result. Better. Is misses the very same bytes.
5) If it was something wrong coming from SuperIDE, the checksum wouldn't
match and I would get an ?I/O ERROR. So the problem should be after the

Is there an HDB-DOS Unraveled anywhere? I would like to take a look ... :-)

The second possibility is some mega quantum interference somewhere in the
circuit. Hope this doesn't prove to be right.

Now to the details ... all the files I've used can be found at:

   - SIDETEST.DSK -> a disk with some basic programs to test, including the
   disk 2 serial dumper (SIDEOUT2.BAS)
   - BASELINE.DSK -> the .DSK I used as reference for the tests (GAMES
   - GOOD.DSK -> the output from the good card
   - BAD.DSK -> the output from the bad card
   - *.hxd files -> hexdump of the files
   - differences.txt -> the output from the diff -y command
   - differences-only.txt -> only the lines that mismatched (grep '|'

To do this I wrote a CoCo program to send a disk sector by sector through
the bitbanger port. Special thanks to Arthur Flexser for the cabalistic
POKEs that disabled de carrier detect. :-)

5 POKE150,16 POKE&HFF23,&H30:POKE&HFF22,&HF9:POKE&HFF23,&H34:POKE&HFF22,010
CLS20 CLEAR 1000
50 FOR T=0TO34
60 FOR S=1TO18
70 DSKI$ D,T,S,Q1$,Q2$
80 PRINT at 96,"DRIVE:"+STR$(D)
90 PRINT at 128,"TRACK:"+STR$(T)
100 PRINT at 196,"SECTOR:"+STR$(S)
110 PRINT#-2,Q1$;
120 PRINT#-2,Q2$;
130 NEXT S
140 NEXT T

To try this at home you'll need:

1) Get a "good" card (that works on superIDE).
2) A "bad" card (that doesn`t works if you DD the image of another card on
3) A CoCo Serial cable (a drivewire cable) to connect the CoCo to a PC via
serial port. Eventually you`ll need an serial to usb dongle, if you
computer doesn't has a RS-232 port.
4) A Linux, Mac os some gnu utils for windows.
5) A program to capture the output of the serial port. I used Realterm for
windows, but your millage may vary (even a cat /dev/tty.* > output.dsk
should work) .

First, just to be sure, wipe out both cards. Supposing your card is in
/dev/sdb (check that!) zero it using
$ dd if=/dev/zero of=/dev/sdb

Then plug each of them in the coco and format the disks.


Then use sidewalk (or any other utility) to copy SIDETEST.DSK to disk 0 and
BASELINE.DSK (or any .DSK you'll use as test) the disk 1.

Load SIDEOUT2.BAS and capture the output from the serial port on the PC.
Remember to set the baud rate on the PC to 9600! It takes less than  5
minutes to get the disk.

Make this to both the good card (GOOD.DSK) and the bad card (BAD.DSK).

Diff them ...

Binary files BASELINE.DSK and BAD.DSK differ

Generate the hex dump of each file ... (trust me ... :-))

$ hexdump -ve '"%07.7_ax  " 8/1 "%02x " "\n"' BAD.DSK > BAD.DSK.hxd
$ hexdump -ve '"%07.7_ax  " 8/1 "%02x " "\n"' BASELINE.DSK >

Compare the side by side (get a wide terminal!)

# diff -y BASELINE.DSK.hxd BAD.DSK.hxd | less

As examples I noticed that if looses a couple of bytes sometimes,as shown
on these examples:

00012a8  ff ff ed 81 31 3e 26 fa                              | 00012a8  ed
81 31 3e 26 fa 4f 5f
00012b0  4f 5f fd 22 e1 1c ef 35                              | 00012b0  fd
22 e1 1c ef 35 b6 34
00012b8  b6 34 12 86 3f b7 ff 23                              | 00012b8  12
86 3f b7 ff 23 86 37
00012c0  86 37 b7 ff 21 34 04 f7                              | 00012c0  b7
ff 21 34 04 f7 ff 20
00012c8  ff 20 12 12 12 5c 26 f7                              | 00012c8  12
12 12 5c 26 f7 35 04
00012d0  35 04 30 1f 26 ef 86 37                              | 00012d0  30
1f 26 ef 86 37 b7 ff
00012d8  b7 ff 23 35 92 1a 50 34                              | 00012d8  23
35 92 1a 50 34 36 10
00012e0  36 10 9e 1d 30 a9 01 20                              | 00012e0  9e
1d 30 a9 01 20 ec 81
00012e8  ec 81 ed a1 8c 1b a0 2d                              | 00012e8  ed
a1 8c 1b a0 2d f7 cc
00012f0  f7 cc ff ff ed a1 10 8c                              | 00012f0  ff
ff ed a1 10 8c 1b a0
00012f8  1b a0 2d f8 cc 14 00 fd                              | 00012f8  2d
f8 cc 14 00 fd 00 00

and this

0004830  3f ff fc 3f 00 00 00 0a                              | 0004830  fc
3f 00 00 00 0a aa a8
0004838  aa a8 2a 01 55 00 0f ff                              | 0004838  2a
01 55 00 0f ff ff ff
0004840  ff ff 05 54 80 0a aa aa                              | 0004840  05
54 80 0a aa aa aa 05
00048e8  55 48 a0 28 52 28 55 55                              | 00048e8  a0
28 52 28 55 55 48 aa
00048f0  48 aa a8 52 28 55 55 48                              | 00048f0  a8
52 28 55 55 48 aa a8
00048f8  aa a8 52 28 55 55 48 aa                              | 00048f8  52
28 55 55 48 aa 00 00

and this

0004a18  00 02 ff ff 00 05 00 03                              | 0004a18  00
02 00 05 00 03 fc aa
0004a20  fc aa aa 00 04 00 04 03                              | 0004a20  aa
00 04 00 04 03 55 3f
0004a88  01 a0 00 05 00 01 fc 00                              | 0004a88  00
05 00 01 fc 00 05 00
0004a90  05 00 01 aa 00 05 00 02                              | 0004a90  01
aa 00 05 00 02 00 04
0004a98  ff c0 00 04 00 02 aa a0                              | 0004a98  00
02 aa a0 00 04 00 02
0004aa0  00 04 00 02 ff fc 00 04                              | 0004aa0  00
04 00 02 aa aa 00 04
0004aa8  00 02 aa aa 00 04 00 2a                              | 0004aa8  00
2a c0 00 00 00 aa aa
0004ab0  ff ff c0 00 00 00 aa aa                              | 0004ab0  a0
00 00 00 fc 00 00 00
0004ab8  a0 00 00 00 ff ff fc 00                              | 0004ab8  aa
aa aa 00 00 00 ff c0
0004ac0  00 00 aa aa aa 00 00 00                              | 0004ac0  00
00 aa aa aa a0 00 00
0004ac8  ff ff ff c0 00 00 aa aa                              | 0004ac8 *ff
fc 00 00 00 04 aa 02
0004ad0  aa a0 00 00 ff ff ff fc                              | 0004ad0  00
00 00 04 ff 02 c0 00
0004ad8  00 00 00 04 aa 02 00 00                              | 0004ad8  00
04 aa 02 a0 00 00 04
0004ae0  00 04 ff 02 c0 00 00 04                              | 0004ae0  ff
02 fc 00 00 05 aa 01
0004ae8  aa 02 a0 00 00 04 ff 02                              | 0004ae8  00
00 05 ff 01 c0 00 05
0004af0  fc 00 00 05 aa 01 00 00                              | 0004af0  aa
01 00 00 00 00 00 00
0004af8  05 ff 01 c0 00 05 aa 01                              | 0004af8  00
00 00 00 00 00 00 00
0004b00  a0 ff 46 45 04 18 c0 00                                0004b00  a0
ff 46 45 04 18 c0 00


0004c38  01 05 00 08 f5 ff 01 3d                              | 0004c38  01
05 00 08 01 3d 01 00
0004c40  01 00 41 5a 01 50 00 08                              | 0004c40  41
5a 01 50 00 08 09 35
0004c48  5f ff 09 35 02 02 55 55                              | 0004c48  02
02 55 55 00 10 aa 02
0004c50  00 10 aa 02 55 55 00 10                              | 0004c50  55
55 00 10 aa 02 55 55
0004c58  aa 02 55 55 00 10 aa 02                              | 0004c58  00
10 aa 02 55 55 00 10
0004ce8  11 00 04 55 00 05 00 01                              | 0004ce8  00
05 00 01 11 00 04 55
0004cf0  11 00 04 55 00 05 00 05                              | 0004cf0  00
05 00 05 11 00 00 00
0004cf8  11 00 00 00 01 00 05 00                              | 0004cf8  01
00 05 00 00 00 00 00
0004d00  05 11 00 00 00 01 00 05                                0004d00  05
11 00 00 00 01 00 05

and many, many other examples.

Any sugestions?

On Mon, Aug 5, 2013 at 11:49 PM, Ed Orbea <ed.orbea at gmail.com> wrote:

> Gustavo
> Unfortunately I have no new news.
> Mark asked me to send him the CF cards and my SuperIDE cartridge
> I have been away from my Coco3 due to work (not quite ready to retire yet)
> so I was only able to send it out this,owning via 1st class/priority
> postage.
> Ed
> Sent from my iPad
> --
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> Coco at maltedmedia.com
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