[Coco] GIME

Bill Gunshannon billg999 at cs.uofs.edu
Fri Apr 12 14:44:23 EDT 2013

Here's a new question which shoild reveal even more of my ignorance.

I have heard that the most common chip to fail in the COCO3 was the
GIME.  Correct?

I have also heard that they are pretty much impossible to replace.

Except that in doing some searches I have found at least a dozen
places (mostly in China) who claim to be able to provide this chip.

Is there something unique about the one used by the COCO3 or is it
a plain, vanilla 2645A0001/TCC1014?

The reason I ask is that I have one or two broken COCO3's in a box
here somewhere from many moons ago and if the likely failure is the
GIME and I can buy replacements, why should I not fix them?

Oh yeah, and on another separate topic, is there anywhere that one
can buy the little boards that go in a ROM PAK?  I tried removing
the Tandy game chip from one and it seems pretty much impossible to
do without damaging the little board itself.  Is there anyone still
making/selling cartridge prototyping boards?  I am dying to get back
into hardware hacking and I think the COCO is the animal to do it on.


Bill Gunshannon          |  de-moc-ra-cy (di mok' ra see) n.  Three wolves
billg999 at cs.scranton.edu |  and a sheep voting on what's for dinner.
University of Scranton   |
Scranton, Pennsylvania   |         #include <std.disclaimer.h>

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