[Coco] Smartwatch setting from Basic09

Gene Heskett gheskett at wdtv.com
Sat Apr 6 11:30:33 EDT 2013

On Saturday 06 April 2013 11:26:11 George Ramsower did opine:

>  This morning early, I was thinking on this very thing. It wasn't setime
> I used, it was setclk. Danged memory. I intend to do some testing today
> on this very problem and see exactly what I have done and what the
> results were. Last year, I banged my head and my memory isn't all
> there. So I have to refresh it as much as I can. I'm sure I was simply
> using the wrong syntax in a B09 program to use "setclk". I'll try this
> again to see if I can or can't get it to work, then I'll have an update
> to this list on my findings. I'm sure it was me and not the software.
> George

I have heard of that utility George, but do not have it anyplace on my 

If this setclk utility is written correctly, I'd assume that setting the 
hardware clock would also cause the clock module to call the hardware clock 
to update itself as if it would do at boot time, making it a one stop does 
it all utility?

Cheers, Gene
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