[Coco] ANSI driver

Gene Heskett gheskett at wdtv.com
Fri Nov 2 18:21:30 EDT 2012

On Friday 02 November 2012 18:12:13 Arthur Flexser did opine:

> V-term didn't support ANSI.  (It did a very good job with VT100
> control codes though, displaying correctly ASCII pictures of stuff
> like a beer mug with rising bubbles.)
> Twilight Term did support ANSI, though, I believe.
> Art
That is much the same with the vt-220 I have, which is largely the 8 bit 
version of the 7 bit vt-100, but ISTR I put the rzsz triggers in it when I 
re-wrote it.

But thats not ANSI, thats is the world according to DEC.  What it does, is 
make the coco3 into a full fledged, dial up the other system and log in and 
do the work, when the other system demands a vt-220 terminal.  I had to 
invent that in a hurry when I couldn't keep CBS from helpfully changing my 
sat tables in the 7 meter dish when they found they looked like whole cloth 
because the base concrete was poured due north & south like they told me on 
the phone when I was digging it.  With 4 duplicate sets of docs, there was 
one page all folded up in one set of them, obviously not the set I had 
spread out on the floor, that said it was to be turned 27 degrees to the 
west.  So much for documentation.  That wasn't found for another 40 days 
after the concrete had hit 5000 psi.  CBS, and Scientific Atlanta, never 
really did hear the last of that from me...

> On Fri, Nov 2, 2012 at 1:21 AM, L. Curtis Boyle <curtisboyle at sasktel.net> 
> > KBCom under OS-9 was pretty good, and V-Term for RSDOS. Also,
> > Sockmaster's Twilight Term.
> > 
> > On Nov 1, 2012, at 10:33 PM, Sean wrote:
> >> I don't remember having any fully compatible ANSI BBS program, but
> >> Ultimaterm was the closest.
> >> 
> >> On Wed, Oct 31, 2012 at 10:27 AM, Bill Pierce <ooogalapasooo at aol.com> 
> >>> Hi guys
> >>> Back in the old BBS days, there were a lot of BBSs that had ANSI
> >>> graphics for title pages. Some of these were pretty unique. I
> >>> remember having to load a special ANSI driver to be able to view
> >>> the title screens properly with the Coco. Does anyone remember what
> >>> the name of this driver was?
> >>> 
> >>> The reason I ask, is I ran across an archive (Internet)  of ANSI
> >>> graphics and I'd like to be able to view them on the Coco. So the
> >>> next question would be is there a program to display these files or
> >>> do I have to write one? It seems like I remember, after loading the
> >>> driver, I was able to "list" them to the screen and they would show
> >>> properly. No word processor would display them properly due to the
> >>> inability to display the ANSI control codes. These graphics files
> >>> are just text files with embedded ANSI control codes to turn on the
> >>> ANSI graphics modes.
> >>> 
> >>> I remember we had 2 or 3 "Anarchist" BBSs here locally that had
> >>> amazing title screens. They would scroll for 4 or 5 pages before
> >>> getting to the log-in and main menu. They would post new graphics
> >>> weekly and sometimes daily. Some would even have title screens for
> >>> each section of the BBS. At 300 baud, you had time to watch them
> >>> scroll :-)
> >>> 
> >>> I would really like to find this driver. I probably have it, just
> >>> don't know the name. If I can kick my old 5.25 drive and make it
> >>> work, I'm sure I still have it on all my telecomm program disks.
> >>> But I don't know if I can get to read or if the disks are any good.
> >>> My last tour through my 5.25 disks yielded about 50% to not be
> >>> readable.
> >>> 
> >>> Thnx
> >>> Bill P
> >>> 
> >>> Music from the Tandy/Radio Shack Color Computer 2 & 3
> >>> https://sites.google.com/site/dabarnstudio/
> >>> Bill Pierce
> >>> ooogalapasooo at aol.com
> >>> 
> >>> 
> >>> --
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Cheers, Gene
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