[Coco] CaChars - SCW-like screen characters for Color BASIC

Robert Gault robert.gault at att.net
Wed May 16 09:31:36 EDT 2012

Juan Castro wrote:
> Well, I just found out the CoCo 3 destroys the capability to hook CLS. The
> patched code doesn't bother to call the RAM vector. That's, like, rude, man.
> OK, I'll just define CHR$(12) (Form Feed) as the CLS character.


Seems to me that the CLS vector is still being used by the Coco3 but there is 
additional patching.

What may be an issue is TSTHIRES. The Coco3 definition of hi-res is to look at 
$E7 to see what screen mode is present: 0=low-res, 1to4=hi-res. That means you 
can't use the current TSTHIRES to replace the test at $8C46

  pshs cc
  tst <$E7

I think TSTHIRES is looking at the PIA to see whether low-res text or graphics 
is on.


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