[Coco] Read Coco floppies in my PC

gene heskett gheskett at wdtv.com
Sat Mar 31 14:46:53 EDT 2012

On Saturday, March 31, 2012 02:37:40 PM Stephen H. Fischer did opine:

> Hi,
> Due to the lack of affordable bulk tape erasers,
> can any household device with an ac electric motor be used? Perhaps a
> vacuum cleaner.
> I remember some magnetic media being erased by a floor buffer used too
> close to the almost at floor level shelf.
That had to set some sort of a record for a poorly designed motor.

> That took a huge amount of time to find the cause.

I can well imagine.
> P.S. I am NOT selling my bulk eraser, it is in use ever so often on 3.5"
> floppies if I am changing from PC to CoCo. If in doubt, use one.

In a life or death pinch, I have used the field from a 250 watt weller 
soldering gun.  Its magnetically pretty strong at the back end of the 
transformer just above the pistol grip.  I would imagine that a loop of #9 
or 10 copper wire formed in a flat loop for a tip that the disk could be 
slowly passed through would also do the job, but it would also be well 
warmed up if you moved the disk slow enough through the loop to really do 
the job.  You could damage the disk sleeve or burn your fingers, bearing in 
mind the trigger cannot be released mid pass, the disk must be moved away 
by 3 or 4" before releasing the trigger.

Cheers, Gene
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