[Coco] CoCopedia

Frank Swygert farna at amc-mag.com
Tue Jun 12 17:00:41 EDT 2012

I just made some updates to CoCoPedia 
(http://www.cocopedia.com/wiki/index.php/Main_Page). I added a CoCo2 and 
CoCo3 entry and did some updating concerning my own publications and 
software (FARNA Systems, Tandy's Little Wonder, the world of 68' 
micros).  I didn't do anything real detailed on the CoCo 2 and CoCo 3. 
It's a wiki that anyone can edit or add to, but you do have to have have 
or request a log-in to be able to edit, so there is a bit more control 
than other Wikis. Anyone can read the pages, of course!

Frank Swygert
Editor - American Motors Cars Magazine

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