[Coco] Oscillator Circuits needed for EF68B09P 2MHZ versions I recently received

Frank Swygert farna at amc-mag.com
Fri Jun 8 10:18:56 EDT 2012

The EF is for Thompson, and the P on the end is for Plastic carrier. It's a standard 6809, not a 6809E (E for external clock) as used in the CoCo. Any 6809 data sheet should be the same.

On Thu, Jun 7, 2012 at 1:28 AM, Computer Doc<computerdoc at sc.rr.com>  wrote:

> Dear All,
> Thank you John Kent for that acute observation!  ?I appreciate it. ?I
> should have noticed that, but for some reason I didn't. ? I have been
> looking for several days, since receiving your email, for the datasheet for
> Thomson's EF68B09P chip, but I can't seem to locate one.
Frank Swygert
Editor - American Motors Cars Magazine

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