Mark Marlette mmarlette at frontiernet.net
Tue Jan 3 23:30:56 EST 2012


Double check the manual or check the descriptor in NitrOS-9 for the address. 

That was designed around '98, so it has been a bit for me to recall from the top of my head.... 

Glad it is back up for you. 



----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Jim Hickle" <jlhickle at yahoo.com> 
To: "CoCoList for Color Computer Enthusiasts" <coco at maltedmedia.com> 
Sent: Tuesday, January 3, 2012 10:17:40 PM 
Subject: Re: [Coco] HDB-DOS error - HARD DRIVE NOT FOUND 

--- On Tue, 1/3/12, gene heskett <gheskett at wdtv.com> wrote: 

From: gene heskett <gheskett at wdtv.com> 
Date: Tuesday, January 3, 2012, 6:47 AM 

On Tuesday, January 03, 2012 06:22:27 AM Mark Marlette did opine: 

> Jim, 
> The contacts in the TC^3 are GOLD plated, which helps a great deal on 
> the oxidation, the contacts in the MPI are flashed. 
> Oxidation can still occur due to dissimilar metals. As has been 
> suggested. The contacts on the TC3 will appear BLACK. 
> So as Gene said DO NOT SCRUB. I use a white soft eraser, this will clean 
> them right up. 

Even that, for gold flashed contacts, could be considered a bit rough on 
the gold. I prefer painters alcohol on a paper towel to be about as brutal 
as I should get, better yet, the toweling can be abrasive so today I would 
use the corner of a "microfiber towel". 

> Make sure to clean the ground tabs as well. So 44 pins of GOLD on the 
> TC^3 or ANY Cloud-9 product that has a card edge, value-quality added . 

Thanks, fellows! Alcohol + Kleenex = well behaved controllers. Most of the crud was on the side facing the cartridge shell, where I couldn't see it. 

> You could try a simple poke. Now this is from memory and you could check 
> the manual for the TC^3 and verify but you want to POKE from DECB the 
> data register of your interface, IIRC, $FF74 (default) with the bit 

Oops, I thought $FF70 was the base address. No wonder HDB-DOS wasn't working. 

Thank you again, 

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