[Coco] OT: End of the world

Juan Castro jccyc1965 at gmail.com
Thu Dec 20 18:03:39 EST 2012

I just had this mental image of the world ending like Pac-Man when
it's caught by a ghost, the far East vanishing first.

On Thu, Dec 20, 2012 at 7:26 PM, Aaron Banerjee <spam_proof at verizon.net> wrote:
> This is a little off-topic for the list, so I'll keep it short.
> Out here, there has been talk of a major catastrophe, or "end of the world"
> on 21 Dec 2012 (tomorrow) based upon the Mayan calendar (that most people
> probably never heard of, much less worried about until the end-of-the-world
> issue was brought up).
> It occurred to me that it is already tomorrow for our Australian friends.
> Did the world in fact end?
>        - Aaron
> p.s.  This is a joke.  I am not a nut (ok, that might be a stretch).  I
> realize that humor sometimes doesn't translate well -- even amongst peoples
> who speak the same language.
> --
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