[Coco] CGA to VGA/TFT converter

Gene Heskett gheskett at wdtv.com
Mon Dec 10 22:55:49 EST 2012

On Monday 10 December 2012 22:52:38 Frank Swygert did opine:

> I know a couple people on the list are making a converter, but this
> might be an option:
> http://www.starlitegaming.com/Parts_and_Accessories/Converters.html
> It's listed as $39.99 + $8 shipping. Converts RGB/CGA (combined or
> separate sync) to VGA. This will work with a CoCo, as you can connect a
> CGA monitor (but lose a lot of colors). I'm not sure how it will work
> with analog rather than digital input, should be the came as using an
> old CGA monitor (lose colors), I'd think.  Any comments?

I have one of those.  Once driven correctly, it works very well, but I had 
to hack up a sync combiner to get it to work right.  But I've been using 
one of Roy's later ones as its a hair easier to adjust and possibly a hair 

Cheers, Gene
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