[Coco] Assistance please

jdaggett at gate.net jdaggett at gate.net
Fri Aug 24 08:24:49 EDT 2012

On 23 Aug 2012 at 22:41, Bill wrote:

> Hehehe, when you're in the financial shape we're in, you'll use anything.
> Even a Pentium III if you had tol
> Thanks. I'm gonna try putting a different fan and more thermal grease on
> the processor, change out the memory, and see if it helps.
> I hope someone can find a second drive mounting bracket.

One other note about some of the older motherboards, the internal bias software may or may 
not support very large drives say over 160GB or so. Unless the bias has been updated some 
will not support some of the real big drives like 500G to 2TB drives. 

Actually to just surf the net and do email, word processing and the likes and PIII or PIV is still 
a viable machine. I would even say that running some of the COCO emulators will still be 

IF it gets you on the net then and on this group it is probably godd enough til times get better. 


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