[Coco] Coco Bus for my 6809 computer

Gene Heskett gheskett at wdtv.com
Wed Aug 1 03:49:00 EDT 2012

On Wednesday 01 August 2012 03:47:21 Mark McDougall did opine:

> On 1/08/2012 11:39 AM, Gene Heskett wrote:
> > Kip, I have no clue what has become of Little John, and I never
> > managed to get his part 2 of that project downloaded.  I am not sure
> > it was ever made available.  He had serious health problems from
> > reading between the lines of his dads posts, and while I never heard,
> > it may have been that he ran out of time, in which case I am sad, the
> > brains appeared to be working well.
> I was wondering what became of him as well. I emailed him a while back
> with some significant news, but heard nothing. Let's hope things aren't
> as dire as we suspect.
> Regards,

I'll second that sentiment, Mark.  An update would be very nice.

Cheers, Gene
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