[Coco] Hacked accounts

Dennis Bathory-Kitsz dennis-ix at maltedmedia.com
Wed Apr 11 06:44:27 EDT 2012

Hi all,

Please be aware that tens of thousands of email accounts have been 
hacked in the past few months and their personal mailing lists 
spammed. Another came in on the list an hour or so ago. The list 
can't filter posts from legitimate members, even though a spam filter 
is in place for more obvious spam content.

If you post to the list, please be sure you include a sensible 
message if your post also includes any links whatsoever. And for 
those reading, discard suspicious posts from large email accounts 
(yahoo, aol, sbcglobal, etc.) that are prone to hacking. Many times 
these email accounts are completely compromised (this happened with 
my stepdaughter's business address at aol.com) and can't even be 
recovered, so responding to them is worse than useless.

You all should know this, but our list has been free of spammers 
until this latest round of email hijackings of actual members' email 
accounts. So time to be vigilant yet again!


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