[Coco] root.r

Joel Ewy jcewy at swbell.net
Wed Nov 2 23:02:04 EDT 2011

On 11/02/2011 06:05 PM, Lothan wrote:
>> Unless view's looking for an entirely different file, but that seems
>> unlikely.  root is like cstart, but with the regular OS-9 register
>> setup instead of the C register setup.
> I just looked at the code on my dev disk and see root.a is using the Y 
> register as an index to the data area, which is identical to cstart.a. 
> The difference between the two is that root.a is a lightweight version 
> of cstart.a -- root.a doesn't have any of the logic immediately after 
> the restack function up through the patch function. In other words, 
> root.a doesn't process the command-line arguments to create argc/argv 
> and it does not include the stkcheck, erexit, stacksiz, and freemem 
> functions.
Hmm.  I wonder if assembling root.a myself will result in a relocatable 
file that will make view happy.  I'm getting some unresolved references 
using Gene's copy of root.r.  One of them is a reference in root.r to 
F$EXIT.  That's just an ordinary system call, no?  I'll have to try 
making the stuff in the SOURCES directory tomorrow.


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