[Coco] Hello Aaron help dragon

Phill Harvey-Smith afra at aurigae.demon.co.uk
Tue May 17 12:03:30 EDT 2011

On 17/05/2011 16:55, Darren A wrote:
> On 5/17/11, Phill Harvey-Smith  wrote:
>> I believe that I checked this and the only thing you should need is to
>> make a level shifter, I think the PIA pins that the CoCo uses as bitbang
>> inputs are ACK and BUSY on the Dragon. So yeah I think that a simple
>> MAX203/232 adapter would be suffient, there's even a +5V output on the
>> Dragon paralell port to run it from.
> The Dragon's BUSY and ACK inputs are connected to the same PIA pins as
> the CoCo's RxD and CD inputs respectively.  The STROBE output on the
> Dragon is connected to the same PIA pin as the CoCo's RxD output,

You of course mean TxD output :) :) :)

>								but
> is also inverted. The only change needed in the code would be to
> handle the inverted data output. This could optionally be dealt with
> by the server.

Or to keep the server code the same, an LS04 (or even a simple 
transisitor) could do it, since we have power available...



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