[Coco] Floppy Discs

Mike Moore mikmoore at math.carleton.ca
Tue May 3 16:15:49 EDT 2011

I had been an occasional lurker on the list and dropped out a while ago as I 
only use my CoCo3 pretty rarely. I have a lot of stuff which hardly gets any 
useage so I figured that it was about time that I tidied up.

I have over 500 dd 5 1/4" floppies. Some in cumbersome fliptop plastic 
boxes, some in the cardboard containers and some in clear plastic 
containers.  I also have some HD floppies in cardboard containers, about 60 
of them. There are also a few odd ones of both densities in various other 
places. Most of them are formatted for the PC and some are unformatted. If 
these are of any use to the CoCo community, then you can have them for the 
cost of the shipping plus a little for my gas and time.

I also have a DMP110 which still works (although the ribbon in the cartridge 
is pretty well dry) and a really old  bare bones floppy drive which is a 
huge thing. I don't know if it still works, but if anyone is interested, I 
can hook it up to a power supply and test it with my CoCo. There is an 
adapter to allow the use of a high resolution joystick which is sitting 
unused. Finally, there is the floppy and documentation for Multi-Vue for OS9 
level 2, in case anybody is interested.

I don't think that any of these have antique value, but somebody might find 
them useful.

Mike Moore. 

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