[Coco] Apple 2 Plus

gene heskett gheskett at wdtv.com
Wed Jun 22 14:48:19 EDT 2011

Greetings all;

I have an Apple ][ Plus, and a pair of matching Apple disk drives.

It has an Apple brand Super Serial card, a Microsoft brand card that looks 
as if it is another bank or more of dram, and of course an Apple brand FDC 

I pulled this off the transmitter site after we turned off the analog 
transmitter and pulled the door shut for the last time.  The owner, an 
employee of mine at the time, was in very poor health and died of cancer 
about a month after the shutdown.

His widow still lives, and having gotten a kidney transplant, may yet reach 
SS collection age.

Anyway, I thought I would clean it up and see if it works, if, put it on 
fleabay & give the widow the proceeds after ebay expenses.

But it has classic symptoms of bad ram and never completes the Apple 
version of post, showing 2 byte wide patterns of black and white squares 
with question marks in the white squares, and the digital racket of a 
crashed system overlaid over that.  Many of the chips look as if they need 
a half hour bath in fresh Tarnex to remove the black oxide of 32 years 
growth on the legs since it was assembled in 1979.  That might fix it, 
provided the chip sockets were also similarly de-oxidized, well rinsed and 

Having fought that battle with the old JC Pennies NYC production house GVG 
300 3A/B switcher, and its accompanying NEC digital effects unit for 
several years at the tv station, it doesn't seem to be worth the effort.  
That thing was a MAJOR PIMA.

OTOH, what would it draw on fleabay if it was working?  Heck, I see non-
working for $300+, and another barebones that works at 50 bucks.
I was under the impression they were worth about 2x that.

Cheers, gene
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