[Coco] NitrOS-9 Differences.

Stephen H. Fischer SFischer1 at Mindspring.com
Thu Jun 2 17:10:35 EDT 2011

----- Original Message ----- 
From: "gene heskett" <gheskett at wdtv.com>
To: <coco at maltedmedia.com>
Sent: Thursday, June 02, 2011 1:46 PM
Subject: Re: [Coco] NitrOS-9 Differences.

> On Thursday, June 02, 2011 04:43:55 PM Stephen H. Fischer did opine:
>> Hi,
>> Are you saying that:
>> --------------------
>> t
>> tmode .1 pau=1
>> --------------------
>> Are active in the new shell in the new window?
>> I see neither.
>> OS9:Echo This is a test<CR> produces:
>> This is a test
>> --NOT-- What it should:
>> OS9:Echo This is a test
>> Echo This is a test
>> This is a test
> The Echo doesn't echo, never has, it only produces the string passed as 
> the
> argument.

Gene see the attachment!

It's ShellPlus that produces the correct answer of the the two.

>> Entering OS9:tmode <CR> produces
>> a list of parameters including pau=0 in the new window.
>> AND no mention of the ".1" parameter which I looked up in the OS-9
>> manual again.
> The .1 is the path number, where 0 is stdin, 1 is stdout, and 2 is stderr.
>> I make heavy use of ShellPlus Variables and Shell Sub Variables so
>> having "t" on is important.
>> I am relying on twenty year old memory that indicates that the new shell
>> gets these parameters from the forking shell.
>> Variables are not passed which is why I put the var.0=12 on the call to
>> Windows.s
>> Plus you CANNOT even do that if the script is converted to a DATAMOD,
>> something I have been very upset about for ~ 20 years.
>> NOTE: W.s and Windows.s are in /DD/CMDS.
>> SHF
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