[Coco] OT: flooding in Queensland

gene heskett gheskett at wdtv.com
Tue Jan 11 16:43:11 EST 2011

On Tuesday, January 11, 2011 04:13:26 pm Wayne Campbell did opine:

> I am glad to hear you are above water, Bob. :) I hope the flooding will
> end soon, so things can return to some semblance of normal.
> Wayne

Yes, I was just reading a story on cnn where a 20 foot wall of water came 
down a valley and got a few people. How very sad.

Reminds me a bit of June 9th, 1972 when a true canyon cleaner came down 
Rapid Canyon into Rapid City S.D., USA.  It got 272 people that evening.  
Many were never found.  It came within 6 feet of my parents front door!  I 
looked the list over when it had been collated & published, and I actually 
knew around 100 of them, including what was then considered the best 
neurosurgeon in the country and a personal friend of mine, Dr. Roy Crowder.  
His house was a nice 2 story on a good sized cement slab, about a mile up 
in the canyon.  We found a piece of the slab, wedged into a break in the 
canyon wall about 1/4 mile downstream of where it had been poured 10 years 
before.  Nothing else was found, no trace of the Caddie in the garage was 
ever found either.  He was home, and might have heard the roar 30 seconds 
before it hit.  No one in that canyon at the time had a chance.  That was 
biblical.  One stock tank about 15 miles upstream that leaked and was known 
to be dry that afternoon, still had, despite its leakage, 22" of water in 
it shortly after noon the next day when the rancher checked it.

That was pretty local though, this AU situation covers several of our 
states!  So you have at least 10,000 times as much water there.

So yes Bob & anyone else waking around upside down, do stay HIGH & dry.

Cheers, Gene
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