[Coco] 6809 breadboard trainer

Mike Rowen mike at bcmr3.net
Thu Jan 13 19:12:21 EST 2011

A very long time ago, I built a very basic Z-80 trainer on a breadboard. I
am interested in doing a similar trainer with a 6809. The requirements are
probably nearly identical, but it was a very long time ago. This is for pure
educational purposes. There seems to be a large number of 6502 based
projects and kits for such a setup, but very little for the 6809. Just
curious if anyone on the list knows of a good resource for doing this. I may
be able to adapt a 6502 setup. I can probably engineer something from the
data sheets, but I'm just looking for a jump start before attempting any of
this. Doing this on the Z-80 was very beneficial when I did it and it seems
a great way to get intimate with the 6809. Ultimately, that knowledge will
transfer directly to the CoCo. I have seen the links here for various 6809
computer projects, but I'm looking for something very basic, not a full
blown system. Any ideas and/or resources appreciated.


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