[Coco] I forgot something

gene heskett gheskett at wdtv.com
Sat Dec 3 14:05:11 EST 2011

On Saturday, December 03, 2011 01:53:03 PM Karl S did opine:

First, welcome to our mailing list, Karl.

> Is the 63X09 chip a good thing? Or not really needed?
I am in favor of it, it IMO is what the 6809 shoulda been.  I have 2, one 
in the coco3 in the basement which is pretty much a 1/off with all the 
changes I've made over the years.  It and the mpi are powered by an old AT 
power supply, so all the normal psu stuff has been removed, no heat at all 
even with a disto 2 meg kit in it.  The mpi is full of course.  The hard 
drive controller is a TC^3, with 2 ea 1Gb seagate hawks attached.

The 2nd 63c09 is still in the static bag, just in case I have to build 
another coco3, but so far I have not been threatened with that possibility.  
I am a C.E.T., and can likely fix anything but a bum GIME.  That is the 
most rare of chips and I don't know of a place with spares for sale.

Cheers, Gene
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-  long    f_ffree;    /* free file nodes in fs */
+  long    f_ffree;    /* freie Dateiknoten im Dateisystem */
	-- Seen in a translation

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